
Items Wanted

We are always looking for quality items similar to the ones displayed on these pages. Some of the items that are high on our list of items to get are displayed below.

If you have an interesting item or a complete collection, we are interested in hearing from you. Please get in touch with us. Contact Ralph Falvo at rjf@falvo.com or call 780-466-8078 (work) or 780-437-0934 (home)

Items Wanted

Automotive Tire Signs

Automotive Porcelain Signs

Automotive Neon Signs

Automotive Signs

Automotive Neon

Automotive Neon

Soda Pop Signs

Soda Pop Signs

General Store Signs

Oil and Gas Signs

Oil and Gas Signs

Oil and Gas Signs

Soda Pop Light Up Signs

Soda Pop Signs

Soda Pop Posters

Vintage Gas Pumps

Air Meters

Gas Pumps

Air Meters

Air Meters

Display Pumps

Double Pumps

Syrup Dispensers

Syrup Dispensers

Soda Pop Machines

Soda Pop Machines

Juke Boxes

Chicago Coins Band Box

Wurlitzer 850 Juke Box

Wurlitzer 950 Juke Box





About Falvo Collectables
Juke Boxes